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az()svilendobrev _ com

­Svilen Dobrev ... making software - for people, by people

az @ svilendobrev _ com


i've been making software for 35+ years, on several continents, as projects of all sizes and levels of impossibility. Seen many different terminals, languages, designs, projects, customers, teams, organizations and cultures, and have met even more different attitudes.

So i found that the more interesting and difficult part is.. the people, while the technicalities are somehow solvable. Software is just a limited, twisted way of communicating knowledge between people, through space and time - and it's people who cause anything. Making software is a game of cooperation, now vs future-and-past, exercise in correct thinking, with all the participants being translators - and Trust being the most important feature.

And i found i can successfully mediate between the extremes - western and eastern thinking, technical & applied, experts & newbies, gears & art, real & virtual.. i put passion in my work and do care for it. i do trust people.. and thus weigh them. i work With, not For. i fight For, not Against. i do Work, not Time. Some toys go at github.com/svilendobrev.

Reality.. is very complex. Complexity is tamed with structure. Structure means languages - specific for the notion, domain, product, project, task.. even people. i like making languages that talk patterns of problem at hand.. expressed in host language. And i push for attitudes that empower people. So one can go solving the real issues. i love idea-generating, nice software, mentoring, team and organization making, steep changes, persistence, cultural diversity, improvisation. i can help efficiently make effective software, and tune the culture to allow for it.

i make (software) projects from ideas, people and software. Be it possible or not, regardless what has to change - software, organization, people, or.. me. As life is change is life..

So.. Hands-on software mentor, leader, advisor, “playing-trainer”, architect, CTO, hacker... just programmer. Friend? Could be. There’s more about me, software and Life at www.svilendobrev.com. Or dare read the brisk intro...

An Impossible dream project? What about?


Specialties and interests

Motto-s and favorite thoughts


CTO / Chief Architect - eCollect.org, remote/Varna, 2021-2024

CTO, mentor, team lead, architect, main coder - Resolve,Varna.bg + FleetPal, NJ.us, 2017-2021

software expert and methodologist, leader of software group .bg - ZMDI / IDT Varna, 2014-2017

mentor, coach, analyzer – python, teamwork, organisation – Strypes.eu, Sofia, 2014/contract

python team mentor – Ericsson software campus, Athlone, Ireland, 2013/contract

architect-maker - distributed personal places+ chat platform - messaging via couchdb. 2012-2013 Varna-Tokyo

...dreaming - a software house-school, for making real projects and learning by doing so - and other way around. 2012 Varna

senior pythonista, someones.com, Melbourne, Australia, 2012 (short contract)

hands-on CTO/ Dev-Lead/ architect/ all-thats-needed, Woosha.it; 2010-2012 - risk-it-all startup, Amsterdam+Varna

mercenary senior dev at Wyplay.com, Marseille, France; 2009 ( short contract)

owner, Svilen Dobrev Consulting; 2008-... - advisor, methodologist, architect, programmer

linuxteam leader, SIStechnology.com, Varna; 2003-2008 – team-lead, architect, methodologist, manager, mentor, programmer

senior s oftware engineer, Vintech, Varna, Bulgaria; 2002-2003

senior software analyst, Petrosys, Adelaide, Australia; 2000-2002 - small, fast company (geophysical maps)

tech lead/ test lead, Motorola, Adelaide, Australia; 1999-2000 - EDA - multi-cultural env in huge global corp...

software engineer/consultant, Vintech, Varna, Bulgaria; 1997-1998 - small company in a narrow, chaotic market

sysadmin/ software+accounting analyst, Biochim Bank; 1995-97 - strategical midsize branch of a big state bank

lead programmer, Inmeco & Navel, Varna; 1992-1994 - small international companies, naval & military stuff

publisher+programmer, 1991-93 – many books, papers, cards, art and:

partner, Specialized Intelligent Systems, Varna 1990-92

in university..

in school ..


Technical university Varna (VMEI), 1986-1990

Mathematical High college - Varna (2 MG), 1983-1986

Some community projects


e-mail: az()svilendobrev _ com

my site: www.svilendobrev.com

work, software, and me: svilendobrev.com/rabota

code, toys and projects: svilendobrev.com/rabota/mysoft.html ; github.com/svilendobrev

cv-biography-resume: svilendobrev.com/rabota/cv - printable-pdf - brisk intro -- linkedin.com/in/svilendobrev

емблема | svd | sign

Детски нещаKids' things

водолет / e-foilwaterfly / e-foil
направи самdo it yourself


>> #OpenToWork <<

'2008-2024 ~ началоstart ~ софтуерът-и-азsoftware-and-i ~ биография/cvcv/resume ~ библиотекаlibrary ~ снимкиphotos ~ детскиkids' ~   az()svilendobrev _ com